Monday, April 20, 2015

Eli is 1!

My little man turned one last week. I was excited but yet sad to do his one year old pictures. I couldn't believe how fast that first year went by, and that my little baby isn't a baby anymore. I'm excited to see what the future holds for Eli and I am even more excited to watch him grow. 
A lot of clients ask me where do I get the patience when taking pictures of their children. I always reply with "I can relate". I practice a lot by doing photos with my own children. It helps me learn patience and poses to be able to do with your kids. 
My main focus is children, not only because I practice so much with my own, but because I absolutely love children. I love seeing them smile and capturing it for their loved ones to cherish.
Doing my Eli's photos really inspired me to more creative images, something that wasn't the traditional one year old photos. I love shabby chic style so I thought I would incorporate that style with his party theme of Mooses, and I just love the results!